MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Hello again my bloggers! Sorry I haven't written until Christmas, but better than nothing. Well anyway I just wanted to tell you guys MERRY CHRISTMAS to all, and to all a good night. I also wanted to tell you guys about how right now they have Christmas/seasonal featured DOMOs (like the ones in the picture above, not the one biting the cookie). I'm not quite sure where you can actually buy them considering I have only heard of them and seen pictures of them online, but I bet Target or other stores might carry them. Probably should have told you that earlier considering you don't really "buy" present on Christmas day, you do it on Christmas Eve. Sorry! but better late then never..... :D Well anyway I also wanted to show you another awesome cute character that is spending the holidays with us too.
his name is Doraemon.

Well anyway, MERRY CHRISTMAS again. I think that it is sorta cool/weird that it was Jesus's birthday and a say to celebrate his birth and how they put it was on the same day. weird.... But thanks to Jesus, we now have a new tradition/holiday to celebrate whether we are Christian or Catholic or just aren't any.
But Christmas isn't just a day to celebrate him, it is another day to spend with your family. The point I'm trying to make is that Christmas is kinda like Thanksgiving except another in December. It is sorta like Thanksgiving but with presents since we are still giving thanks to the things we didn't give thanks to during Thanksgiving and we are basically still eating Thanksgiving food like TURKEY!!!! (turkey is GOOD!!!)
Well that is the end to this post. Well MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
ps. remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle!!! :D