Hello people! Well this week's word of the week is affair. Yes please take it in the way I think of it and its term. For those of you that know me, yeah you should no what kind of affair I'm talking about. Well here is the back story first.
Well so today in JCL (Junior Classical League), wait hold on. I'll tell you what that is. For those of you that don't have this club in your school or don't teach Latin, that's the reason why. JCL is like a Latin club. It is pretty awesome even when our teacher isn't. Hehehehe. SHHHHHH!!!! Don't tell her. And anyway, so today we were in Certamen practice (if you don't know what that is, sorry search it up because I can't explain it too well) and one of the questions were answered. The guy, who is like in Latin III or IV, tells us the word means like a lot of things like business, thing, ....., AFFAIR,..... So I was like "Hehehehehehe. Affair" and the other guy was lik, who was also in Latin III or IV, no not that kind of affair. That word just totally brought me back to what we were talking about in Latin class.
Well if you are wondering who is in the picture above, it is Aphrodite or Venus. Even if you haven't taken mythology, you should know her. She is the Goddess of love, beauty, and sexuality. So everyday we have something called Classical Literacy and we learn about history stuff related to Latin. So today we talked about Aphrodite/Venus and how since she is the Goddes of sexuality, she has lots of AFFAIRS. So I thought how everything in life (well maybe not everything but close) ties together, well at least in Latin it does.
By the way, just a fun fact, but Aphrodite's most famous human lover was Adonis. She and Persephone both wanted him and they both got half a year with him, each year. Then her most famous not human lover was Ares the God of War. So since Aphrodite is married to Hephaestus, Hephaestus even knew about this affair. (Just a little heads up, it was an arranged marriage) So Hephaestus wanted all the other gods to see and mock them so he told Aphrodite he was going on a trip. So then Aphrodite called Ares up and he came over and when they were doing it, Hephaestus walks in and traps them in a cage, which he made. (Hephaestus is the God of Craft) Then he took them to the gods and the gods started laughing so yeah that's it.
This is also a side note but when I was at this beach clean up for community service, sponsored by JCL, the president was like, "Yea. If you don't know the answer to who impregnated someone, almost 90% of the time it is going to be Zeus." And then the rest of us just started cracking up like crazy. You gotta love our nerd jokes.
This is another side note. The other day we had a great Classical Literacy. Well I guess it wasn't that great but it was just because the person that sad it was really funny. So we had it on Mark Antony. He was like the second lover of Cleopatra. It's weird because his best friend, Julius Caesar, was her first. So it was one of the most famous love triangles. So then Julius Caesar died and then Mark Antony fell in love with Cleopatra. So Caesar had kids with Cleopatra and Antony also had kids with her. But sorry, but Caesar and Antony didn't have any kids. And the way the speaker described Antony is a pimp. And yes, if you were wondering, he did write it on the white board so everyone can see. Okay that is enough of background stories, I think I will now tell you the definitions.
1. a thing to be done or attended to; matter; business: this affair must be cleared up
2. an event or happening: a strange affair
3. (qualified by an adjective or descriptive phrase) something previously specified, esp a man-made object; thing: our house is a tumbledown affair
4. a sexual relationship between two people who are not married to each other
[C13: from Old French, from à faire to do]
Yup that is the definition. And if you know me, I think you know which one i was thinking about. Hehehehehehe. Well that's it. I hope you feel glad that I did this while I was supposed to study and do my homework. Hehehehe. I'm so rebellious. Next next postswill be about going apple picking!!!! (Sorry you might need to wait, I need to do Science Fair project. Gosh! I'm terrible at science.) We did that a LONG time ago. I just didn't have the time to post them. By the way, sorry for the pic since it is tilted. Well yeah. Talk to you then! :)
PS. remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle! :)