Hey peoplesssssssss and yes i just said it like monopoly so pe-o-pe-lessssss, if u were wondering. Well today if u don't read my blog it is ok, i just wanted to tell u wat zahnpasta meant. I bet many of u that aren't my best best best best best best friends and that i didn't tell u wat it meant, well now I'm telling u now so ha. MWUH HAHAHAHAHAHA! Just wanted to try out my awesome evil laugh hehehe.... anyway I was telling you wat it meant. Zahnpasta actually means toothpaste in GERMAN!!! OMG!!! :O I know it is very surprising that I know the teeniest bit of German. If u wanted to know wat pancake and banana is in German, u can ask me and I'll ask one of my bestest of the bestest of the bestest of my best friends. She's awesome and the reason I'm not telling u guys her name is because I want to keep her identity a secret. Plus I also want to let all u stalkers know that I'm not telling her name so then u can't track her down so HA!!! Well I only told u guys.....or girls......so that u know and won't have to ask me. So yeah that's it and I'm sorry I haven't posted anything in a week if u were interested in to my blog. If u aren't, then why the hell r u reading this?!?!?! HUH?!?!?! That's right u just got owned.....hehehe.....well that's it today so ttyl bb and I love u all for being my reader.
ps. remember to reduse, reuse, and recycle!!! :D