Isn't it sad when your parent calls you a loner? I am pretty sure that happened to me today. I told my mom that I wanted to be alone. She said that you're always alone. It sounded as if, well if you tell in between the lines, that she was calling you a loner. I mean if your mom tells you, you are always alone, that sounds like a loner. Hello? Loners are ALWAYS ALONE. Hence the word "loner" even being created. It is kinda sad that I got called a loner. And of all people, by my mom. Normally, I couldn't care less, but it got a little awkward because I got called one by my MOTHER who should be supporting me, not decrease my self esteem.
The word loner is quite interesting though. I think it is slang. Sorry I'm not quite sure, but I'm pretty sure it is because you don't normally hear smart people call loners, loners, typically. Now I feel like calling my mom a big loner, but that would be rude. The best thing in the world is getting called a loner by one of your parents, isn't it? (rhetorical question and sarcastic) Well that is it for this blog post! :) BYE!
PS. remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle! :)
If you're a loner, that means you're a lone. And you're with me, which means I'm a nobody...D: