
Sunday, June 27, 2010


Hey! well we, as in my friends, graduated on wednesday. I have to say. It wasn't that bad considering we got to go do stuff after that. But guess what? Starting tomorrow, I have summer school! BLEH! and it starts at 7:30, so it is like school never really ended. You'd think that graduating would lead to great things and more opportunites. I believe it just leads us to more homework and stress! It is a sad world we live in. At least we have the summer to have some fun. Well wat else can I say? Graduation was basically everyone just walking through while they call your names. It isn't really a parade, I guess. At least we got to go somewhere after that. I think that's what made the whole thing totally worth it! I think I'm happy to go through that but it just reminds me that we have to go through more. That is unlucky and so unfortunate. At least, we can all still be kids. Being an adult looks kinda hard. At least we've got like 12 more years before that if you include graduate school. Thank gosh. But getting "promoted", well the ceremony I should say, wasn't too bad.
You how if you let your parents get hold of a camera, they like to go crazy with it, right? Well my parents forgot to bring their camera and had to borrow mine and I wanted mine back as soon as possible so they didn't get to take very many pics. But my dad did take a bunch of stalker photos of me and other people. I think that was a little odd and creepy. But he didn't know so oh well. Well I saw some of my friends going through the phase of "parents get hold of camera" and it was pretty bad. I saw flashes everywhere. Sadly, when you are near those friends with those parents, you get sucked into photos. Terrific isn't it? Yea this post has a little more sarcasm than the average post. Well that's it for today! BYE! :)

PS. remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle! :)

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