
Sunday, May 2, 2010

Cell Phones

HELLO!!! Yes it is another nonsense blog post I am writing. Well I am aware that I don't really put pictures on my post. I assure you I will when I find something interesting. So basically, I haven't found anything yet. So yeah. Well anyways, I forgot to write a blog post about this when I came home but this one day my dad and my mom and I went to Saks Fifth Avenue outlet. Well anyways, when we were at the checkout counter, I saw this dad and his daughter. Well by the looks of it, the girl was about 7 or 8 so probably in the second or third grade. And I hear her ask her dad, "Daddy, did I get a text yet?" That thought brings me to the point that children at that age can't have a phone. Hello? People at MY AGE can't even be held responsible with a phone. Chances are sometime, we will lose our phones. Unless you are some super responsible person. I just wonder what that girl does with her phone. But that also reminds me of the issue of texting. I mean SERIOUSLY! How old is she? and chances are, do her friends EVEN text? No the better question is: DO HER FRIENDS EVEN HAVE PHONES?? But chances are, they probably do because apparently this world is getting "modern" and yeah. By the way, I think the only reason why my classmates and I even have phones is not because our parents "trust" us (again unless you are super responsible). No, it is so they can make sure we are "safe" and everything. Well that is the end of this blog post. BYE!!!

PS. remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle! :)

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