Well when I was in the third grade, we had this class assignment given to us. It was one of those vocabulary sheets. Anyway, I believe that was the year Mean Girls came out and, I think, they used the word b*tch in it. So anyway, that is relevant to my backstory because on the paper it said to write words that ended with -itch. So I thought about words (you had to write three by the way), so I thought of witch, ditch, and I couldn't think of a third one. I was going to write itch but thought that would be sorta cheating. So then I just put b*tch. Of course later my teacher saw it and talked to me and I started crying. Not the best thing to do in front of your teachers. I was definitely thinking that I hope my classmates didn't see. But naturally, I bet they did. That is the way school works, if your teacher yells at you in a room which is connected to you classroom, especially with glass windows, chances are your classmates did see. I thought that was pretty bad. Then my teacher also gave me a note to give to my parents so they would know. Luckily, I gave it to my dad and he was like, "Oh you probably just learned it from that movie Mean Girls. And you don't know what it means, right? (I nod yeah) Good." *sign paper. So that was what happened. But if I was in that position now (which is DEFINITELY not likely), I could say that it isn't really mean because it means girl dog. But obviously back then I didn't know that. So yeah. Well here is the definition of my word of the week.
FEMINISM (I found feminist but it was a form of this word, so why not?):
1.the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men.
2.(sometimes initial capital letter
) an organized movement for the attainment of such rights for women.
Well that is the end of this blog post. BYE!
PS. remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle! :)
PS. remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle! :)
Lemme go change my thing right now! :D