Hello!!!! or shall I say..... BOUN JOUR! Well anyway, I wanted to tell you guys something. Have you guys ever wondered about making a bucket list? I sure have, and I have decided I should make one for middle school. Since there are certain things in my life that I can only do in eighth grade or "middle school," so I might as well make a list. If you want to look at the beginning of my list (that proves I'm not officially done with it yet, well here goes:
(btw you will only get some of these if you go to Lakeside Middle School)
1. get a campus clean-up
2. go to all the rest of the school dances
3. suffer through yearbook class
4. be as nice as possible to the people I EXTREMELY dislike
5. win all bets made (i am a rebel)
6. go a week without saying crap or any other bad words like SH*T
well that's it for now. Obviously I am having a tough time thinking about more, but I no I will think of more in............TIME. So if you have suggestions, tell me. Or just tune in for MY BUCKET LIST PART 2!!!! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNN!(cue scary music)
Well bye for now! :D
and remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle!:D (helping our world is GOOD!!!)
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