Hello my fellow bloggers! Today or night I saw the movie NEW MOON and I have to say it was pretty alright. If I could rate it I would give it 4 stars out of 5. That is definitely better than how Twilight would have done. I say that many stars because it lacked the right story plot line too much with Rob Pattinson's terrible acting. Let's just say he should just to whatever he does that doesn't include acting. But the movie was sort of saved by the romantic confliction between Jacob (Taylor Lautner) and Bella (Kristen Stewart). It seems that these two are in love yet not in love. The movie was actually pretty good especially with the lingering question at the end that viewers will just have to wait for. Yes everyone was yelling at the screen when Edward said, "Marry Me..." and there was no answer and immediate credits. Of course, it is just a stunt for the directors and the producers to put that so they would all have to see the third movie "Eclipse" and then pay more money. Of course people were upset by this, but they still really want to know what will happen next. I wont say what actually happened in the movie because I feel bad for the people that haven't seen it and were planning to and I told them what happened so yeah. I just wanted to say that "New Moon" is definitely better than "Twilight" considering there was only bad acting and all out drama in "Twilight."
New Moon was pretty good since in the beginning it showed a tiny little preview of the trip to the Volturi. The flashes of experiences were very fascinating and fast so it kept the viewers still focused on the main plot but still kept them interested. If you haven't seen New Moon, go ahead and watch it because it is actually kind of funny to watch.
So yeah, another short post. Just got a lot on my mind lately, well too doo loo for now! :D
ps. remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle :D
im trying to decide whether i should watch it or not, i didnt watch the first movie but i read the first 3 books..
ReplyDeletei saw the movie xD !! but some of the romance parts were rly cheesy i must say haha ;]