DICTIONARY or LEARNING TIME! Hello again. I just wanted to tell you guys that some of my friends and I made up some words and I wanted to make a short dictionary.
asian teeny boppeh - n. (asian tee-ny bo-pp-eh) the way madeline says asian teeny bopper e.g. asian tenny boppehs (audrey)
asian teeny bopper - a general term for a guy who dresses in a very trendy asian-y way, hair must be styled like an anime character's hair. SHORT HAIR IS UNACCEPTABLE!!!! e.g. asian teeny boppers (audrey)
butterball - n. (bu-tt-er-ba-ll) generally a male who is extraordinarily fat and needs to wear a man bra e.g. butterballs
dewt - n. (du-t) the way audrey says dude e.g. dewts (rebecca)
diciprine - n. (dis-i-pri-ne) the F.O.B. way of saying discipline (audrey)
fajiglet - n. (fa-ji-gl-et) a general reference to anyone (tristin and akhil)
flubber lubber - n. (flu-bb-er lu-bb-er) the fat on a seal (audrey)
myup myup - v. (mi-up mi-up) the special sound i make to tell people to pass the ball/disc to me in PE (audrey)
n00b - (n-oo-b) a person who is mean or unfair to audrey and her friends (general internet word, but definition was made by audrey) e.g. noobes
nub - n. (n-u-b) someone who is mean or unfair to audrey and her friends, a nicer term for n00b (general word, but definition made by audrey) e.g. nubs
patootle - n. (pa-too-tle) generally a negative term for someone. few times patootle is a good thing. the only time a patootle is a good thing is when it is talking about a red heart on one's nose
peupil - n. (pe-u-pi-l) the mixture of a pupil and people e.g. peupils (tiffany)
pew pew - n. (pe-uw pe-uw) kickbutt sound affects that you can make at anytime or the sound effect that LAZORZ make like in star wars! (rebecca and audrey)
pichu - n. (pii-chuu) a kickbutt sound affect that usually follows pew pew
proof butt - n. a person who is a but and has proof e.g. proof butts (christine, audrey,and tiffany)
rada rada - n. the sound you make when you act AWESOME or like Shnitzel from the show Chowder e.g. rada-rada-rada-rada-rada etc.
rawr - n. (ra-wr) means either "i love you" in dinosaur or "youz beautiful" in dinosaur, sometimes it just means rawr
YESH! - n. (ye-sh) a mixture of yes and fish (sophie)
*newer entries will be made later if there are more coming, which there are
thanks for reading the awesome words in "MY FRIENDS AND MY DICTIONARY" (yes i know it was awesome)
ps. remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle :D
oh hoi hoi
ReplyDeletepew pew is the sound effect that LAZORZ make
ReplyDeletelike in star wars!
or something
i think