As the Eleventh Doctor said, "The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things… The good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things, and make them unimportant."
Monday, March 29, 2010
Cindy's Lovely Stories Part 3
6th Story: SHOES!
On the feet of every person there is a right shoe and a left shoe... well then can u imagine those shoes talking?! (well u have too... too bad... ) so there was the left shoe who was made by vans with the color black and black shoelaces... then there was the rite shoe who was made by vans with the color black and blue shoelaces.. (cough.. cough.. how cute?! matching shoes <3)>of course... the black shoelaces and blue shoelaces feel inluv w./ each other... bcuz w/out left shoe there is no rite shoe and w/out rite shoe there is no left shoe.. (so in more of a stupid way of saying that is that they cant live w/out each other.. dur? ppl!) then the person wearing the right and left shoe were the right's shoes mom... who is really mean.. she hates the left shoe bad enough that she nevers wear socks so the left shoe smells pretty bad.. (believe the author... u dont even want to smell it.. JK) the left shoe wuz like "OMG!! rite shoe.. I luv u soooooooooo much.. kiss-kiss" then the rite shoe wuz like " I kno!! I luv u too!!" then the rite shoe went ahead and kiss the left shoe but it cant bcuz it is way to smelly... so as the day goes on.. their luv was still increasing... but on a bad day... the mom wuz like "huh?! so i c u the rite shoe having a luv relationship w/. the smelly shoe huh?! well how dare u!! I gotta give u sume punishements!!" so the mom threw the left shoe out to the trash cuz she thought that the rite shoe would never find him.. then smartly.. ( i dont think there is a word like that) the rite shoe found the left shoe by hoping.. then wen they saw each other.. they kissed fiercely (hey u probably think that is gross.. but I THINK its GOING to be true).. (hey dudes.. if u want to kno how duz SHOES kiss.. well then take ur left shoe and rite shoe then smacked them together.. then that is probably how it feels)
Well that is the end. Wait for the next post, bye!
PS. remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle! :D
Friday, March 26, 2010
Cindy's Lovely Stories Part 2
5th Story: The Pumpkin Cinderella and the Big Nose PrinceThere is going to be a ball at the monster castle tonight bcuz the ugly prince gotta find a magical magical person (also knos as soul mate) to shrink his nose and butt.. then in the house of tortoure.. a poor, poor, person (so not true in real life.. dude that person is like rich..) named maggs was cleaning the floor and cooking at the same time ... (no offense.. but seriously.. maggs cant cook.... hey if the bastard is reading this.. well u gotta kno sumthin... if u r marrying maggie in the future, which i hope not cuz I seriously dont want to call u my cuzin-in-law.. u better be a rich man cuz u have to eat like un-homemade food everyday.. oh yeah gotta warn u... if u tried her food u better be close to the toilet..)(also maggs.. dont be mad at me... hey I said NO OFFENSE) her evil mom named cindi is like sitting there and yelling at maggs step-sisters, tiny kaisho (by the way for those of u who dont kno this.. the real tina's husband is yuki kaisho.. which I seriously dont kno y we call her that) and tif hu-hu bcuz they r going to the ball tonight and she needs to choose their outfit.. on the other hand maggs is feeling completely jealous... she wanted to go to the ball tonight so freakin bad.. (well she wanted to go to the ball bcuz like she never been to a castle b4...) so her mouse and her birds, whose names r also called maggs bcuz maggs is like obsessed w/ herself... so.. her mouse and her birds sew a very ugly dress for her.. bcuz they r not skilled.. they only kno how to sing and eat cheese... but amazingly, maggs thinks is beautiful... (as in other story b4 maggs eye is not functioning correctly and the prince is lobsided) so wen tiny kaisho and tif hu-hu is walking out to the limo, maggs sneaked out to the back door where she thought she was going to have a horse or sumthin.. but thats not the case... she had a pumpkin (and this pumpkin wont turned into a beautiful magical thingy that u c on the real cinderllla (cant spell) a real and big pumpkin... so the mouse carved the door w/ its sharp teeth then maggs arrived to the castle wen she cant smell anything but pumpkin-ish... believe me the line is like 50 miles long... (how did this prince have such a power that made ppl stang in the line for so long? I dont even kno y... maybe bcuz they r all blind.. I mean seriously do they c his facce? oops.. sorry I dont expect anyone to c his face cuz like u cant even look at it..) maggs got infront of everyone else.. bcuz they couldnt stand her smell so they let her go first... wen she saw theit has to make sense.. prince.. the prince didnt reject her instead he luved her.. bcuz he liked the smell of pumpkin.. ( who knos? ppl that have big nose probably smell differently) he got her new dress and they danced till midnight... oh yeah almost forgot.. they also kissed and hugged..(ppl might be like "i dont wanna c the bastard dance " or " I didnt even kno he can dance".. hey trust me I dont wanna c the bastard dance either.. I think I'll probably faint cuz its so gross.... and dude seriously... he cant dance... this is a story its not like it has to be true.. but i have to tell u the fact that maggs being blind and the prince having big nose and butt is true.. ) she was suppose to go home at midnight so her sisters and mom wont be crazy.. but tina kaisho is like kissing+hugging+dancing w/ yuki kaisho... ( I agree its kinda gross.. think about it... just imagine those two kissing and hugging and dancing.. that image is just wrong.... ) and tif hu-hu is dancing and hugging alex chen... so maggs duznt have to go home... plus.. her mom didnt get mad anyway.. cuz she wuz watching her dramas at home... laughing and crying...
Well that is it for now! BYE!!!
PS. remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle!!! :D
Cindy's Lovely Stories
1st story: Mouse and Cows (this one is REAL short)
Once upon a time there was a mouse named magg and a cow called bastarad... they fall in luv w/ each other but the mouse's mom hated that cow bcuz he has such a big butt and nose.... so they stoped talking... BUT BELIEVE ME........... AFTER 3 DAYS THEY BEGIN TALKING AGAIN!!! EITHER ON COW-BOOK OR MOUSE-MAIL
2nd Story: 3 Brothers
Prolog: there was 3 brothers... their names are Andrew Han, Andrew Ho and Andrew Hell Bastard... Andrew Han is like amazingly smart.... he can do 1,000000000+ 1,00 = in one second!! how smart.. (I mean seriously even I cant do that) then there is Andrew Ho who is amazingly funny.... seriously he makes up jokes that are way too funny for ppl to laugh... for example, the joke of 1 + 1 = wat?.. the answer is 11!!!HAHAHAHAHa!! funnay... anyway then there is the last brother... Andrew Hell Bastard... the reason why his name is Andrew-Hell -Bastard is because that bastard will be in hell (at least the author cursed him).... he is not smart like Andrew Han and not as funnay as Andrew Ho.. but seriously I cant even believe that they are from the same parents... (the story is going to focus on that hell-bastard.. cant even say his name... makes me want to fart) On a cold, cold, cold, day... the Andrew (gosh fart-fart) hell-bastard was skipping on the street bcuz he is going to c "DR.MAGIC" because he wants his nose to shrink and his eyes to expand.. while he was skipping his brain cells are making him think about perveted stuff.. (oh yea forgot to add to the prolog.. Andrew (gosh barf barf) hell-bastard used all his brain cells to perveted stuff rather than educated stuff) after visiting Dr.Magic, he went home and saw his funny and smart brothers talking on the sidewalk to Margrita Mouse who the bastard fell in luv first sight with bcuz she has big eyes, big lips, big mouths, small ears, and small nose... (oh yea and two big sumthin.. but this story is for KIDS so it is not suppose to contain any bad or perveted stuff like the word boobs and butts) amazingly and unbelieveablely (cant spell) wen that stupid and blinded Margrita saw that bastard (a.k.a. ugly cow), she fell inluv with first sight too (weird, odd, gross, random,blinded )she luvs him bcuz of his........ actually she duznt kno y either... anyway... the two brothers walked back into the house bcuz they saw the LUV electricty going on between bastard's eyes and that blinded woman...(they dont want to be burn by it) then the woman went home... wen she got home her mom wuz like "I saw u talking to that bastard who I h8 since the day he said I look hot..... I mean seriously who calls a grown up woman's mom HOT?" (actually in margrita's brain.. she wuz thinking.. "mom.. my soul mate did not call u hot.. he wuz talking to that blonde chick standing behind u in line") anyway her mom got freakin pissed at her and wont let her go out anymore... on the 27th day of her not-going-out thingy.. she fell tired so she slept continuously (cant spell) for 5 days........ her mom was worried bcuz she couldnt wake her up... so she called the police and the police told everyone to go to margrita's house to try to wake her up.. the ppl who can wake her up gets a reward of $100 NT (equals about 3 US dollar.. but no one knew that cuz they r stupid... even Andrew Han didnt kno that) then stupidly, the bastard went to her house... her mom duznt care anymore as long as he can wake her daughter up.. wen it wuz his turn... he went up and wuz about to kiss margrita (by the way germs and gross), like sleeping beauty and snow white..(gosh those r stupid stories) wen he wuz about 1 cm away from her lips (he did it slowly bcuz he liked the dramatic effect) he barfed, and farted... his barf contains of tacos from taco bell, fried chicken from KFC, chicken mcnuggets from McDonald, fries from In-N-Out, and yogurt from Yogurt land... ( he eats a lot.. thats why his eyes are small cuz he is a fatty... his meat covered up his eyes)his fart smelled like a fish that died in the tank from about 4 months and then no one cleans it or it smelled like poop that stayed in the toilet for at least 3 hours... (depends how u think it.. ) surprisingly, that woman with not functioning eyes woke up... then she wuz like "oh.. wow its early.. y did u wake me up?? and y duz it smell like trash can in here... ??" then everyone wuz "........." well I am just going to skip to the end bcuz in between there are nothing to say... they ran away together to Haiti (seriously who would go to Haiti?! hello earthquake and hello the chances of getting dead?!.. only ppl with weird and not correctly functioning brain cells) to escape from her mom then eventually they got married... THEN THEY LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER (not) cuz... that bastard eventually BETRAYED the woman for AT LEAST 1 blonde chick... (just like the author's dad's idol... TIGER WOODS)
3rd Story: Huan Huan in Wonderland (we are chinese and taiwanese so that is an asian name)
In the land of the wonderland.... a pretty princess (not) named Hua-Hua was walking along the "Forbidden Luv" river..... then she falls into the river BCUZ HER EYES DUZNT FUNCTION NORMALLY.... then suddenly... a very very very very ugly prince (who has a big nose, small eyes, ugly face which makes ppl want to kill him, big butt, and abnormal thinking ) saved that pretty(not) princess from drowning... (well...... u cant DROWN in a river.. but wateve.. its a story) wen she saw the prince that saved her... she hugged and kissed him (which is kind of weird bcuz normal ppl would threw up all over that prince after looking at his face).. they fall deeply in luv w/ each other... they will die if they separate each other.... they will cut themselves on the arm if they cant talk for one month... they will think about suicide wen they are under the pressure of not talking to one another ....Hua-Hua 's mom who HATES THAT UGLY PRINCE BCUZ HE DUZNT HAVE ANY MANNERS, PRETTINESS (i dont think there is a word like this), and SMARTNESS ( i dont think there is a word like this either) ... she wont let the pretty (not) princess and the ugly prince (very true) talk!!! they felt miserable... they didnt talk for about 20 to 22 days.. BUT SERIOUSLY PPL THOSE TWO ARE SO GOING TO TALK TO EACH OTHER AGAIN.. BCUZ THEY R DEEPLY IN LUV...
hey.. sorry if this story contains a lot of wrong grammars.. apparently... the writer is not educated in writing... but sumhow she or he likes to write.....
this story is going to be publish in the book from scholastic called "THE FORRBIDEN AND TOUGH LUV"
thanx... :) <3> one more thing.. the author didnt mean to offend anyone so if the author offened anyone... then sorry
just saying everything that is within the story is bolded or in black or sumtin...
4th Story: Bacterias and Germs (this is the last story)
Once upon a time... only bacterias and germs lived on earth.. each bacterias have its own name.. and each germs has its own name.. we are only going to talk about 2 germs and 1 bacterias cuz,..(the author is too lazy to write about others) 1st germ... an ugly, odd looking guy.. with the brain of being perverted (example... looking at bacteria's boobs) his name was ABS... the other germ who is happy all the time is called YM... the bacteria who is frustrated bcuz of the decisions she has to choose... is called MHS... (stands for.. well those of u who kno this bacteria in person can kno wat is stands for)
Everything was ruined wen MHS started talking to ABS through their amazing talking technique which is typing stuff on the computer... (chat) ABS and MHS started fallin for each other... but after a while... MHS' s mom, bacteria queen CH , finds out that her innocent daughter is talking to their enemy ABS... so she closed down their TYPING chat environment.. but remember... CH closed down MHS and ABS's environment but not YM' eventually MHS started to talk to YM... then she fell inluv with YM too... (gosh MHS.. y do u need to be such a player) so wen her mom alowed her to talk to ABS.. (surprisingly and kind of stupid) she told him that she likes YM... ABS got fuckin pissed at her.. they got into a huge fight... then YM asked MHS out and without using brain or any part of her body.... she said yes... she felt terribly bad... she hurt ABS really horrible... (by the way.. I dont even kno y she likes him... i mean seriously ABS has like huge nose.. oh wait.. germs duznt have nose) she missed him... she wants to brake up w/ YM but she cant bcuz he is all happy and fluffy... she knos that she gotta do it... b4 she told everyone that she luvs YM...but she knos the real reason y she told everyone wuz that wen she saw the big smile YM had... she cant say that she wuz kidding.. that us just the wrong thing to do... asafter a lecture that her friends gave her.. she decided to tell YM... wen YM heared it he wuz like oh.. ok... because.. HE GOT A BLONDE AND BROWN CHICK ALERADY!!!!! JK.... the real reason is that he knew she wuz kidding.... and plus he didnt believe her either.. so after all... it wuz MHS who thinks everything herself... she went back and saw ABS crying like a red balloon... she quickly went up and comfort him... they kept kissing and hugging each other... awww.. how PERVETED!!!!! (seriously think about it.. two shape like round thing organism hugging and kissing each other... AWKWARD.... I think it feels like two balls touching each other...)(by the way.. those who are perveted like the bastard and maggie... u kno I didnt mean it wrong... the balls arent THOSE BALLS)
ok that is it!!! I hope you enjoyed those stories!!! bye!!
PS. remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle!!! :D
WORD OF THE WEEK!!!!!! (rummage)
Yup those are the definitions, sorta. Thanks to!!! WHOO!!! Go!!! They Rock!!! Well that is it for the word-of-the-week! Sorry it wasn't an interesting back story and sorry for such a short post but BYE!!!
PS. remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle!!! :D
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!! If you have noticed, most of the pictures I post on my blog are from the internet. Well if you haven't, than all I have to say is, "Wow..." Anyway, so I went onto google and typed in St. Patrick's Day and I saw the savage chickens website so I just decided to use pictures from that. So yeah. Plus I think most of the pictures from savage chickens are pretty funny so yeah. Wow I said so yeah in this blog post a lot. Well anyway, at school today, since it is spirit week, we had to wear green. Of course, it was all dedicated to St. Patrick's Day. Well anyway, so a lot of people were wearing green today partially because of spirit week, partially because of St. Patrick's Day, and most of all not getting pinched on St. Patrick's Day for not wearing green.
I would tell you guys the back

Today was pretty cool for St. Patrick's Day though. The awesome part of St. Patrick's Day is that when you find someone that isn't wearing green, you get to pinch them, real hard!!! But today, I was really nice so I didn't pinch anyone because I saw a lot of people that didn't wear green. Well that is it for this blog post. So remember if you saw someone not wearing green, pinch them!!! :D BYEE!!!
PS. Remember to reduce, reuse and recycle!!! :D
Sunday, March 14, 2010

PS. Remember to reduce, reuse and recycle!!! :D
WORD OF THE WEEK!!!!!! (introspective)
yup that's the word's definition. My friend, Christine, loves that word. Well that is it for this week. Sorry for the short-ish post. BYE!!!
PS. remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle!!! :D (i lied about the color change thing!! :D)
Monday, March 8, 2010
National Women's Day!!!

Hey guys! Don't worry, today's post is real short. I just wanted to tell you guys that today is NATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY!!!! I just wanted to tell you guys, because probably my readers are girls because the only people that read this blog are my friends, and most of them are girls. Yeah that's right, I have mostly gal pals. Hello? I'm a girl! That doesn't mean I don't have guy friends though. Ok I just made that awkward. Anyway, I wish all the girls, or women I guess, a happy NATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY!!! YEAH!!! well that's it. BYE!!!!!!!!!! :D
PS. remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle!!! :D
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Invisibility....and Buzzzzzz....

Hey guys! Yeah, I am aware that I spend a lot of time on my blog for the past week. Ok I wanted to talk to you guys about something that I thought was kind of interesting. No, it is not club penguin. Frankly, I think that website isn't very cool, but whatever. This was the second picture I could find on invisibility. The second one is below somewhere. Anyway, most likely you have a Gmail account. If you don't, then this blog entry means nothing to you! :D It is because it has to do with Gmail account chatting. Ok so if you have a Gmail account for an email, then you probably have noticed that there is something new added to the status thing on Gmail chat. Originally there was only "on" and "busy" so just green and red circles. The red has a line through it too. But now Google has done something new!!! They also put a gray circle with a "x" in it. And it says.....INVISIBLE!!! I thought it was so cool because on your chat list and others too, you would be offline but secretly you would be online!!! I thought that was AWESOME!!! because I'm pretty much ALWAYS online so I didn't want people to think I'm always online, so basically every single time I am online, I just pretend to be offline. But sometimes I really am offline.
Here is the second photo:

Cool huh?? not really, I know. It is based on Harry Potter obviously. I thought might as well just put it on because it has to do with invisibility even if it is an invisibility cloak. So like in the photo, I think it is Professor Severus Snape lingering to catch Harry Potter doing something bad. Luckily, he has his lucky INVISIBILITY CLOAK!!! Wow that sounded really nerdy when I typed that or wrote that, or whatever. I didn't make the photo that big thought because I didn't want to look like a GIGANTIC nerd, but yes I have read the entire series. I thought the last book, the seventh book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by JK Rowling. I thought it was awesome, just too many people died in it.
Ok back to the topics: BUZZZZ..... is new too!

Isn't that a funny picture? I thought it was so I put it on because BUZZ from Gmail accounts reminded me of bees because they "buzz" so yeah. One of my best friends, Rebecca, and I were talking about it when it was first put into Gmail accounts. We were talking and she was said that it was just like Twitter. I had to agree; I also thought it was kind of like Facebook too, except for Gmail because you could choose your friends and basically type statuses and other people could comment. I can't personally say the similarities between BUZZ and Twitter because I never used Twitter before, so yeah. I use BUZZ once in a while, but since I have Gmail chat and use it, and also Facebook, there really is almost no point in using it that often. Ok well that is it for this post.... :D BYE!!!!!!
PS. remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle!!! :D
This School's Production of: A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM by William Shakespeare PT. 2

Hey guys! Ok this isn't really a part 2, I just kinda forgot to put this one more crucial part in it. Ok in the story, there is a fairy that is, like, a servant to Oberon, the King of the Fairies. There is also a fair that is in service to Titania, the Queen of the Fairies. The fairy that is in service to Oberon, is named Robin Goodfellow, also named Puck, who is a mischievous sprite who plays pranks on people. The fairy that is in service to Titania is called...well I actually don't know that fairy's name. Anyway, in the school's production, it was this purple guy fairy and like all the girls are like, "OH MY GOSH!!! or OMG!!! (i hate people that use acronyms in real life still) HE IS SO HOT!!!" Good for you! (sarcasm there) But frankly, I don't think he is that cute, no offense purple fairy guy. For those people that want to stalk him or want to know his name, his name is Blake Rusick. No I didn't stalk him and find his name, it was in the program.
Anyway back to the story, on facebook, my friend, Audrey, told me that there was a fan page on him. So on facebook, I searched up purple fairy, and guess what? There was actually a fan page dedicated to him with like a bunch of pictures. Quite interesting that girls would do that. Well that is the end of this blog entry. By the way, this is the last blog entry on this production. But I still hope you guys watched it because it showed on Thursday March 4, Friday March 5 (the day Audrey and I went!!!), and Saturday March 6. My teacher said it showed today but it doesn't. Thanks for lying to us! That was sarcasm obviously. Well now this is definitely the end of this blog entry. BYE!!!
Oh wait, by the way, that picture isn't a picture of the school's production, it is one from the internet...sorry it was pretty obvious but it just had to be said. Well, BYE!!!
PS. remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle!!! :D
Friday, March 5, 2010
This School's Production of: A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM by William Shakespeare PT. 1

Hey guys!!! I just wanted to say that I HAVE noticed that for the past few days I have been writing a lot of posts. It is just that I have so many thoughts right now, and because I get a little distracted when I do my homework. Anyway, today I wanted to talk about this school's drama department's showcase of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" by William Shakespeare. When I went to go and watch it with one of my best friends, Audrey, it was REALLY AWESOME!!! It was so hysterical! In the beginning I didn't really understand it, but that was partly because the sound didn't really travel all the way to the back of the room. Yup that is right, Audrey and I sat in the very last row and since we are so short (I am envious of tall people when I am in situations like pretty much everyone at my school...sad...i know...), we couldn't see so we had to find different ways to see the stage, it didn't work out so well. We ended up just sitting correctly. :D We were so smart! :D
By the way, I read on facebook, there was this page on IN-N-OUT and it said: IN-N-OUT, its not just food, its a way of life. HAHAHA! LOVE IT!!!
Anyway back to the actual play, ok if you know the gist or the summary of this story than you will know who Nick Bottom is. Well if you don't, the character is basic a 'player,' not a player that is like, "HEY, HEY BABY!!!" no! but like a person that is kind of like an actor on the streets. Anyway back to the story at hand, he turns into a donkey, but in the play they say 'ass' so it kinda makes sense he turns into a donkey. Get it??? Bottom = ass. Yeah, get my simple logic, now. Moving on, so in the story, Puck, he is like Oberon King of Fairies, and does what he is told. So Oberon told Puck to put a spell on Titania, Queen of Fairies, so she falls in love with the first man she meets or sees. So, she falls in love with the donkey. When he is the donkey and Nick Bottom, it is so funny! Especially, when the 'players' do the play for the 'lovers.' So Nick plays this one character that falls in love with another women character, who is a guy 'player' playing a girl, and it is basically a story of Romeo and Juliet. So when he kills himself, he keeps stabbing himself will like a rubber or plastic knife and when he already stabs himself, he lifts his head up a little when he is laying on the floor and says, "DEAD!!!" So then I thought that was really funny. Another time was when he thought his love was dead, so he imitated tears by using his hands to imitate them, like rain falling down, so basically wiggling your fingers down then down again on your face. HYSTERICAL!!!
Now the second character that I thought was really funny. This is character's name is Flute. He is also a 'player.' He is the one that plays the girl that is in love with Nick's character for the play for the 'lovers.' It was so funny! Ok this one time in the play, when he comes out as the girl, she like pushes her, or his, fake boobs up and it is FUNNY! And when the guy is going to kiss her, or him, through the whole in the wall and sorta fake does it, it was hysterical! And another time, when she found the blood stained towel that her, or his, lover left she does the bend and SNAP! That was really funny too. And the last funny one I thought for him was, when she, or he, was going to kill herself, or himself, because her, or his, lover killed himself, she, or he, stabs herself, or himself, and then sits back and pops one of the balloons that is one of her, or his, fake boobs! HAHAHAHA! But to get the real aspect of it, you have to go and watch it. If you want to go watch it, you have to go to Woodbridge tomorrow night at 7 pm. Tickets are sold outside i think because Audrey bought the tickets and I payed her back.
Then out of the lovers, I thought Lysander was really funny when he was like taking his robe off in the woods, and was like, indirectly saying, to have "you know what." It was so funny the way he was saying and doing it. At first he was like that to Hermia, who is his one true love, but when Puck makes a mistake and makes him fall in love with Helena he does that to her too. HAHAHA!!! FUNNY! but still you have to go to the show to get the real aspect of that.
Lastly, I thought Theseus and Hippolyta were kinda funny. Mostly Theseus. Or was it Egeus...hmm....well whoever is the one that is a lover to Hippolyta...oh I'll just check google. Ok it is is confirmed, it is Theseus. It was so funny because they were like approaching the stage and then Theseus was like, "Egeus, you look very beautiful, but I look better of course." It was so funny. Well that's it! BYE!!! talk to you guys next time....
PS. remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle!!! :D
Thursday, March 4, 2010
WORD OF THE WEEK!!!!!! (oblivious)
Now for the definition(s) of the word of the week (I'll write the back-story of this at the bottom):
5. Lacking conscious awareness; unmindful.
by the way, these definitions were thanks to.....DICTIONARY.COM!!!! WHOO! go! YEAH!!!
Ok time for the back story. So I was at my school afterschool for my science fair meeting, so I was waiting in the library because we have this thing there called "Homework Club" and we can stay until 4 pm to do our homework with help from teachers. So it was, like, the last 5 minutes (my lucky number is 5!!!) until 4 pm so my friend Rebecca and I were talking and she said a sentence with the word 'oblivious' in it and I was like, "OH MY GOSH!!! (no one in real life says OMG....that is only for if you use it in real life or use IDK or OMFG or other acronyms, you are either a loser or an Asian fob! :D Congrats, congrats! that last part was sarcasm) THAT SHOULD BE MY NEXT WEEK'S WORD OF THE WEEK!!!" And now it is next week so yeah....Well that is the end of this post! I hope you liked my word of the week for this week! Talk to you guys in my next post! BYE!!! :D
PS. remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle!!! :D

Hey guys, this is the person you all know and love, ME!!! I know I say that I don't want stalkers to stalk me but seriously what is the chance that one will, but I'm still going to say my name as not often as possible. Anyway, back to the matter at hand, ok I promised yesterday that I would talk about what happened at the Science Fair awards ceremony, and this is me KEEPING THAT PROMISE!!! So anyway, as you saw above (look above), it was a RED RIBBON!! And for that science fair thing, it wasn't even considered as second place because there was only blue ribbons (FIRST PLACE) and red ribbon (MEANS NICE TRY!! BUT YOUR PROJECT DOESN'T DESERVE A BLUE RIBBON!). So when I got a red ribbon, I felt depressed but at least I got something, I guess. Oh yeah, at the end or shall I say when I got up to my name, I saw this one guy I knew from this one place that I'm not going to say because I don't feel like it. Well anyway, his name was Andrew Schmidt. And after the ceremony, when Rebecca and Sooin and I got the backboard, Andrew and his sister, Katelyn (who is so cute and adorable), came and talked to me, but I had to go. By the way, Andrew also got a red ribbon and I told him what it meant. It was kind of funny but he didn't react, :'( which was a bummer for me. My group wasn't really surprised that we got red ribbons because our project idea was good but the backboard was sorta lame, no offense guys, and we kinda messed up on the interview from the judge, so it was all expected at least. The funny thing was that when my parents saw, they thought that a red ribbon was better than a blue ribbon!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! I was laughing so hard in my mine because I didn't tell them that blue ribbons were better. It was so funny! At least they were proud of an accomplishment I didn't make.
That also reminds me of what happened today. My dad asked me how I was doing in math and I said good and then he says,"If you're not, we can always get a tutor for you." When he said that, I was in shock because that definitely would be the Asian thing to do in that situation. Everyone knows that the Asian thing to do in that situation is to get a tutor. Right on my parental figures.
Oh yeah, this is kinda off topic, but today I got free ear buds, although they are the suckish kind, hey they are FREE!!! I got it because I took this writing test and they said that we had to use the ear buds and once we were done, we could KEEP THEM! AWESOME, RIGHT??? Well yup, and on the plus side I got to skip two periods yesterday for science fair and two periods today because of that writing thing for the government. The only downside to the writing thing was that you had to type up two essays in 30 minutes per essay. At the end we also got 15 minutes to answer a questionnaire about ourselves, our family, our RACE (that's right we had to state what race we were), and our life. So that's it for this post!!!
PS. remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle!!! :D
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Hey guys! Once again, I am TYPING!!! Okay so this is the second holiday that I was talking about and how I believe that IN-N-OUT should have their own holiday. Even though they will never know about it, it is at least a real holiday in MY mind. Anyway, so you know how I ate IN-N-OUT for lunch today because of being a participant of science fair and I COULD!!! yeah! So, I believe since today was the day that I got to eat IN-N-OUT in SCHOOL, it should count for something. Well this is a short post....I just wanted to tell you guys to mark your calendars for March 3 for NATIONAL EAT IN-N-OUT DAY!!! Ok bye!!!
PS. remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle!!! :D
yup those are the ones....they are AWESOME!!! so read them. Yes I am aware that had nothing to with the holiday at hand. Well that is the REAL end. BYE
PS. remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle!!! :D
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
PS. remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle.... :D