Hey guys, this is the person you all know and love, ME!!! I know I say that I don't want stalkers to stalk me but seriously what is the chance that one will, but I'm still going to say my name as not often as possible. Anyway, back to the matter at hand, ok I promised yesterday that I would talk about what happened at the Science Fair awards ceremony, and this is me KEEPING THAT PROMISE!!! So anyway, as you saw above (look above), it was a RED RIBBON!! And for that science fair thing, it wasn't even considered as second place because there was only blue ribbons (FIRST PLACE) and red ribbon (MEANS NICE TRY!! BUT YOUR PROJECT DOESN'T DESERVE A BLUE RIBBON!). So when I got a red ribbon, I felt depressed but at least I got something, I guess. Oh yeah, at the end or shall I say when I got up to my name, I saw this one guy I knew from this one place that I'm not going to say because I don't feel like it. Well anyway, his name was Andrew Schmidt. And after the ceremony, when Rebecca and Sooin and I got the backboard, Andrew and his sister, Katelyn (who is so cute and adorable), came and talked to me, but I had to go. By the way, Andrew also got a red ribbon and I told him what it meant. It was kind of funny but he didn't react, :'( which was a bummer for me. My group wasn't really surprised that we got red ribbons because our project idea was good but the backboard was sorta lame, no offense guys, and we kinda messed up on the interview from the judge, so it was all expected at least. The funny thing was that when my parents saw, they thought that a red ribbon was better than a blue ribbon!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! I was laughing so hard in my mine because I didn't tell them that blue ribbons were better. It was so funny! At least they were proud of an accomplishment I didn't make.
That also reminds me of what happened today. My dad asked me how I was doing in math and I said good and then he says,"If you're not, we can always get a tutor for you." When he said that, I was in shock because that definitely would be the Asian thing to do in that situation. Everyone knows that the Asian thing to do in that situation is to get a tutor. Right on my parental figures.
Oh yeah, this is kinda off topic, but today I got free ear buds, although they are the suckish kind, hey they are FREE!!! I got it because I took this writing test and they said that we had to use the ear buds and once we were done, we could KEEP THEM! AWESOME, RIGHT??? Well yup, and on the plus side I got to skip two periods yesterday for science fair and two periods today because of that writing thing for the government. The only downside to the writing thing was that you had to type up two essays in 30 minutes per essay. At the end we also got 15 minutes to answer a questionnaire about ourselves, our family, our RACE (that's right we had to state what race we were), and our life. So that's it for this post!!!
PS. remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle!!! :D
ohnoes my cover has been blown