Hey guys! Ok this isn't really a part 2, I just kinda forgot to put this one more crucial part in it. Ok in the story, there is a fairy that is, like, a servant to Oberon, the King of the Fairies. There is also a fair that is in service to Titania, the Queen of the Fairies. The fairy that is in service to Oberon, is named Robin Goodfellow, also named Puck, who is a mischievous sprite who plays pranks on people. The fairy that is in service to Titania is called...well I actually don't know that fairy's name. Anyway, in the school's production, it was this purple guy fairy and like all the girls are like, "OH MY GOSH!!! or OMG!!! (i hate people that use acronyms in real life still) HE IS SO HOT!!!" Good for you! (sarcasm there) But frankly, I don't think he is that cute, no offense purple fairy guy. For those people that want to stalk him or want to know his name, his name is Blake Rusick. No I didn't stalk him and find his name, it was in the program.
Anyway back to the story, on facebook, my friend, Audrey, told me that there was a fan page on him. So on facebook, I searched up purple fairy, and guess what? There was actually a fan page dedicated to him with like a bunch of pictures. Quite interesting that girls would do that. Well that is the end of this blog entry. By the way, this is the last blog entry on this production. But I still hope you guys watched it because it showed on Thursday March 4, Friday March 5 (the day Audrey and I went!!!), and Saturday March 6. My teacher said it showed today but it doesn't. Thanks for lying to us! That was sarcasm obviously. Well now this is definitely the end of this blog entry. BYE!!!
Oh wait, by the way, that picture isn't a picture of the school's production, it is one from the internet...sorry it was pretty obvious but it just had to be said. Well, BYE!!!
PS. remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle!!! :D
SIX PACK is the main attraction to him...