
Thursday, March 4, 2010

WORD OF THE WEEK!!!!!! (oblivious)

Hey guys, this is the second post of the day!! :D Well for the past few days I have been posting a LOT! I think it is because there have definitely been some interesting things happening for the past few days. Now we are back to what isn't so weird, the thing that should be featured on my blog every week, well at least every week that I'm not that busy with homework and I don't forget to type up these. Do you guys think you know what this entry is about??? Well I hope you do otherwise you definitely did NOT read the title of today's blog entry. Well if you guessed, you probably guessed right! THE WORD OF THE WEEK!!!! YEAH!!! The word of the week: oblivious.
Now for the definition(s) of the word of the week (I'll write the back-story of this at the bottom):

1.unmindful; unconscious; unaware (usually fol. by of or to): She was oblivious of his admiration.
2.forgetful; without remembrance or memory: oblivious of my former failure.
3.Archaic. inducing forgetfulness.
4. Lacking all memory; forgetful.
5. Lacking conscious awareness; unmindful.

by the way, these definitions were thanks to.....DICTIONARY.COM!!!! WHOO! go! YEAH!!!

Ok time for the back story. So I was at my school afterschool for my science fair meeting, so I was waiting in the library because we have this thing there called "Homework Club" and we can stay until 4 pm to do our homework with help from teachers. So it was, like, the last 5 minutes (my lucky number is 5!!!) until 4 pm so my friend Rebecca and I were talking and she said a sentence with the word 'oblivious' in it and I was like, "OH MY GOSH!!! (no one in real life says OMG....that is only for if you use it in real life or use IDK or OMFG or other acronyms, you are either a loser or an Asian fob! :D Congrats, congrats! that last part was sarcasm) THAT SHOULD BE MY NEXT WEEK'S WORD OF THE WEEK!!!" And now it is next week so yeah....Well that is the end of this post! I hope you liked my word of the week for this week! Talk to you guys in my next post! BYE!!! :D

PS. remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle!!! :D

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