
Friday, December 25, 2009


MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Hello again my bloggers! Sorry I haven't written until Christmas, but better than nothing. Well anyway I just wanted to tell you guys MERRY CHRISTMAS to all, and to all a good night. I also wanted to tell you guys about how right now they have Christmas/seasonal featured DOMOs (like the ones in the picture above, not the one biting the cookie). I'm not quite sure where you can actually buy them considering I have only heard of them and seen pictures of them online, but I bet Target or other stores might carry them. Probably should have told you that earlier considering you don't really "buy" present on Christmas day, you do it on Christmas Eve. Sorry! but better late then never..... :D Well anyway I also wanted to show you another awesome cute character that is spending the holidays with us too.

his name is Doraemon.
This adorable character is called Doraemon, but most of you probably know that already. I thought that he should also be mentioned because number 1 he is very adorable and number 2 he is pretty darn awesome.

Well anyway, MERRY CHRISTMAS again. I think that it is sorta cool/weird that it was Jesus's birthday and a say to celebrate his birth and how they put it was on the same day. weird.... But thanks to Jesus, we now have a new tradition/holiday to celebrate whether we are Christian or Catholic or just aren't any.
But Christmas isn't just a day to celebrate him, it is another day to spend with your family. The point I'm trying to make is that Christmas is kinda like Thanksgiving except another in December. It is sorta like Thanksgiving but with presents since we are still giving thanks to the things we didn't give thanks to during Thanksgiving and we are basically still eating Thanksgiving food like TURKEY!!!! (turkey is GOOD!!!)

Well that is the end to this post. Well MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

ps. remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle!!! :D

Wednesday, December 2, 2009



If you don't think this is"cool,"then you are such a dorfnob...(tehee I just called people dorfnobs!)


barsdey - n. (bar-s-de-y) a totally asian way to say birthday (rebecca)

birfday - n. (bir-f-day) a hardcore way of saying birthday (rebecca)

blub - v. (blu-b) to wander aimlessly with friends, usually after catching a movie (audrey)

blurg - v. (bl-ur-g) a grunt or word used to express discontent (audrey)

BRO - n. (br-o) someone who is more than a friend, but not romantically involved usually They must understand hardcore fully and be 100% hardcore! (rebecca)

chu chu - v. (ch-u ch-u) a sound rebecca tends to make a lot (rebecca)

crulacular - adj. (cru-lac-u-lar) my made up word that means AWESOME!!!! (tiffany)

dorf - n. (dor-f) a short person e.g. dorfs (real word)

dorfnob - n. (dor-f-no-b) a dorf mixed with a nob e.g. dorfnobs (tiffany)

extracrulacular - adj. (extra-cur-la-cu-lar) a mixture of extra and culacular or extra the AWESOMENESS! (tiffany)

fantabular - adj. (fan-tab-u-la-r) a mixture of fantastic, fabulous, and something with -ar at the end (tiffany)

hardcore - adj. (har-d-co-re) a thing that may seem rebellious to you, but is truly kid of pathetic to others (audrey) EXAMPLE: My mom has a rule that I have to bruch my teeth before going downstairs. I went downstairs, ater breakfast, and then I brushed my teeth! (TRUE STORY)(audrey talking)

koo wip - n. (ku-wip) a hardcore way of saying cool whip (stewie from family guy)

nob - n. (no-b) a stuck up person or aka a person that is mean and not SUPA KOO!!! (tiffany)

nyu - n. (n-y-u) a sound made to ward people off, it usually fails though (audrey)

pu! pa! pi! pu! pui! - n. (pu-pa-pi-pu-pu-i) sounds mamegoma make (audrey's folder or mamegoma)

supa koo - adj. (su-pa-ku) a hardcore way of saying super cool (rebecca)

supercuracular - adj. (super-cur-ac-u-lar) super with extraculacular or double the extraculacular-ism (tiffany)

well that's it for part 2, but get ready for...................................................................................................



ps. remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle!!! :D

Friday, November 27, 2009


Hello people! How was Black Friday? Well I'll tell you, I hate BLACK FRIDAY!!! What is with all those women? It is like they act like this is the last time they will ever meet a sale for the rest of their lives. Crazies.... Well anyway, going to the mall on Black Friday is pretty much line after line after line. Today I went to South Coast Plaza and let me tell you, it was amazing how many people were there. I mean if you went there, did you not SEE the line the Disney store made?!?! Man, I am glad I am at the age of not really liking that "Disney" kind of stuff. I mean that line was SERIOUSLY long. It was unbelievable. Man, if you went to like those department stores, it is amazing how many people were in there, rummaging through the sale racks. Let me tell ya, I am so glad I didn't go to an outlet store because they would probably start screaming and yelling over each other and yeah. Well yeah. Outlet stores are waaaaaayyy cheaper on Black Friday but have you NOT seen the lines?!?! It is amazing how long they are.
But I have to say, if you do go to a Black Friday sale, everything is either SUPER CHEAP or a REALLY GOOD DEAL. Like today, my family and I got like a bunch of stuff for like a SUPER DUPER GOOD PRICE. It is amazing how much items are reduced. But if you go to stores like at night and they still have the sale, there aren't that many people. I mean there are still more people than usual but still not as many as when the stores first open at like, what, 5 am.
Just to remind you guys for the next Black Friday, BE ARMED when you go to the DANGEROUS department stores. BE AWARE!!!!
Well talk to ya'll later!

ps. remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle! :D


Sorry I didn't post this yesterday. I completely forgot, and by the way I'll post picture of the slice of CAKE I ate for NATIONAL CAKE DAY!!!! Yes, National Cake Day was on the same day as Thanksgiving. Weird, I no. Well anyway I just wanted to tell you guys that YESTERDAY was National Cake Day so that you guys can all go out and go buy your own Belated National Cake Day SLICE of CAKE or actual full-size CAKE. My parents wouldn't let me buy a FULL cake since it was a stupid reason and it would take us forever to finish the cake, blah blah blah. Well anyway yesterday was a great National Cake Day and Thanksgiving. I hope you all celebrated at least Thanksgiving, it makes sense that you guys didn't celebrate National Cake Day considering you guys probably didn't know it was, so yeah. But you should go celebrate it now considering how great cakes are. There are many amazing cakes out there, like the ones in the picture above. :D
Well yeah, and NATIONAL CAKE DAY! was actually celebrated by MY WHOLE FAMILY! Okay maybe not my whole family, just my mom, dad, and MYSELF(obviously)! :D
Well yeah that's it, so bye for now! :D

ps. remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle! :D

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Hello people, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! Sorry this entry for Thanksgiving is a little late. I had to eat dinner first so then I could show you guys WHAT I ATE. My dinner was very asian (like hot pot) but we still had turky, mashed potatoes, and potato wedges. YEAH!!!

(picture of my dinner)
Yeah I know my dinner is a mix of classic American Thanksgiving with Asian "who cares about Thanksgiving, it is just another day," meal. But yes, my family cares about Thanksgiving because it is important to everyone.
Well, anyway I'd also like to tell you guys how Thanksgiving is a day to celebrate with your family and give thanks for what you have. It is good to give thanks for things things that you have since many people might not live in the pleasure that you do. And remember to thank the Indians and the first settlers of America for setting aside this day to remind all of us how important it is to have family and friends.
Oh yeah, don't forget tomorrow is BLACK FRIDAY!! That's right tomorrow is BLACK FRIDAy, so i consider not sleep too late otherwise you won't be able to wake up and go wait in line for hours and hours and hours to find out thing you wanted is sold out. So go to the stores and get in line FIRST to get what you want. :D

ps. remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle! :D

Monday, November 23, 2009


DICTIONARY or LEARNING TIME! Hello again. I just wanted to tell you guys that some of my friends and I made up some words and I wanted to make a short dictionary.



asian teeny boppeh - n. (asian tee-ny bo-pp-eh) the way madeline says asian teeny bopper e.g. asian tenny boppehs (audrey)

asian teeny bopper - a general term for a guy who dresses in a very trendy asian-y way, hair must be styled like an anime character's hair. SHORT HAIR IS UNACCEPTABLE!!!! e.g. asian teeny boppers (audrey)

butterball - n. (bu-tt-er-ba-ll) generally a male who is extraordinarily fat and needs to wear a man bra e.g. butterballs

dewt - n. (du-t) the way audrey says dude e.g. dewts (rebecca)

diciprine - n. (dis-i-pri-ne) the F.O.B. way of saying discipline (audrey)

fajiglet - n. (fa-ji-gl-et) a general reference to anyone (tristin and akhil)

flubber lubber - n. (flu-bb-er lu-bb-er) the fat on a seal (audrey)

myup myup - v. (mi-up mi-up) the special sound i make to tell people to pass the ball/disc to me in PE (audrey)

n00b - (n-oo-b) a person who is mean or unfair to audrey and her friends (general internet word, but definition was made by audrey) e.g. noobes

nub - n. (n-u-b) someone who is mean or unfair to audrey and her friends, a nicer term for n00b (general word, but definition made by audrey) e.g. nubs

patootle - n. (pa-too-tle) generally a negative term for someone. few times patootle is a good thing. the only time a patootle is a good thing is when it is talking about a red heart on one's nose

peupil - n. (pe-u-pi-l) the mixture of a pupil and people e.g. peupils (tiffany)

pew pew - n. (pe-uw pe-uw) kickbutt sound affects that you can make at anytime or the sound effect that LAZORZ make like in star wars! (rebecca and audrey)

pichu - n. (pii-chuu) a kickbutt sound affect that usually follows pew pew

proof butt - n. a person who is a but and has proof e.g. proof butts (christine, audrey,and tiffany)

rada rada - n. the sound you make when you act AWESOME or like Shnitzel from the show Chowder e.g. rada-rada-rada-rada-rada etc.

rawr - n. (ra-wr) means either "i love you" in dinosaur or "youz beautiful" in dinosaur, sometimes it just means rawr

YESH! - n. (ye-sh) a mixture of yes and fish (sophie)

*newer entries will be made later if there are more coming, which there are

thanks for reading the awesome words in "MY FRIENDS AND MY DICTIONARY" (yes i know it was awesome)

ps. remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle :D

Friday, November 20, 2009


Hello my fellow bloggers! Today or night I saw the movie NEW MOON and I have to say it was pretty alright. If I could rate it I would give it 4 stars out of 5. That is definitely better than how Twilight would have done. I say that many stars because it lacked the right story plot line too much with Rob Pattinson's terrible acting. Let's just say he should just to whatever he does that doesn't include acting. But the movie was sort of saved by the romantic confliction between Jacob (Taylor Lautner) and Bella (Kristen Stewart). It seems that these two are in love yet not in love. The movie was actually pretty good especially with the lingering question at the end that viewers will just have to wait for. Yes everyone was yelling at the screen when Edward said, "Marry Me..." and there was no answer and immediate credits. Of course, it is just a stunt for the directors and the producers to put that so they would all have to see the third movie "Eclipse" and then pay more money. Of course people were upset by this, but they still really want to know what will happen next. I wont say what actually happened in the movie because I feel bad for the people that haven't seen it and were planning to and I told them what happened so yeah. I just wanted to say that "New Moon" is definitely better than "Twilight" considering there was only bad acting and all out drama in "Twilight."

New Moon was pretty good since in the beginning it showed a tiny little preview of the trip to the Volturi. The flashes of experiences were very fascinating and fast so it kept the viewers still focused on the main plot but still kept them interested. If you haven't seen New Moon, go ahead and watch it because it is actually kind of funny to watch.

So yeah, another short post. Just got a lot on my mind lately, well too doo loo for now! :D

ps. remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle :D

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Hello bloggies, yes I just invented a word and it AMAZING!!! Well anyway, I just wanted to tell you guys, that I got a facebook!!!! Amazing right? If you didn't know, well I'm telling you now. Most likely if you try to talk with me, I won't figure it out because I am facebookly challenged. Apparently it takes you a while before you can actually figure out how to use a "facebook." So, this just to tell you but I also wanted to tell you guys that NATIONAL CAKE DAY IS COMING VERY SOON!!! Just a heads up it is REALLY close to Thanksgiving, later you will find out how close it is .......... :D
Well anyway, I also wanted to talk to you guys about how Facebook isn't something you should take too seriously though. I tell you that from first hand experience, well maybe not first hand but maybe second hand or something, since this sevi girl named Jamie got her Facebook hacked, well it isn't really hacking when she gave him the password...., by this guy named Andrew Song. So be careful and remember Facebook isn't your life, it is just part of it. But I don't actually know why I always wanted to get one because ever since I got one, it has only brought me misery. :'(
Well that is basically the end of another short blog and yes I have been having very short blogs for the past few days since these blog entries are just "informational." So, yeah but my next blog entry on CHOCOLATE VS. CANDY is coming soon and it is back to my normal entries, so talk to you then! :D

ps. remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle! :D (helping our earth is GOOD!)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Hello! Just wanted to tell you guys some upcoming things, things that are happening, and just random things that I should say.

1. I will try to post a new quote each day or each week to start things FRESH!
3. Post on Thanksgiving
4. Will probably talk about my life things sometimes (aka once in a while)
5. Will have more VS. type of entries
6. Try to celebrate every holiday on blog :D (no holiday left behind! tehehe!)
7. Start different series of blogs
8. Have guest bloggers make a blog ON THIS BLOG and post (will have one each month)
9. Will think of new cool things to post

1. Every week, there will be a new poll (polls are always at the bottom of the blog)
3. Blog ONLY talks about random stuff, well at least most of the time

1. Will do monthly lists for "UPCOMING THINGS"
2. Start to talk about more on food too

ps. remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle! :D


Hello!!!! or shall I say..... BOUN JOUR! Well anyway, I wanted to tell you guys something. Have you guys ever wondered about making a bucket list? I sure have, and I have decided I should make one for middle school. Since there are certain things in my life that I can only do in eighth grade or "middle school," so I might as well make a list. If you want to look at the beginning of my list (that proves I'm not officially done with it yet, well here goes:


(btw you will only get some of these if you go to Lakeside Middle School)

1. get a campus clean-up
2. go to all the rest of the school dances
3. suffer through yearbook class
4. be as nice as possible to the people I EXTREMELY dislike
5. win all bets made (i am a rebel)
6. go a week without saying crap or any other bad words like SH*T

well that's it for now. Obviously I am having a tough time thinking about more, but I no I will think of more in............TIME. So if you have suggestions, tell me. Or just tune in for MY BUCKET LIST PART 2!!!! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNN!(cue scary music)
Well bye for now! :D

and remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle!:D (helping our world is GOOD!!!)

Monday, November 16, 2009


Hello again bloggers! Sorry to write again so early, unless you really like my blog, but I didn't know there was an ACTUAL national cupcake day. The REAL National Cupcake Day was on October 18th, so I guess we will all just celebrate it late if that is okay with you guys, and girls. Well this was just to tell you some information so yeah it is really short. Oh and by the way there is a blog on cupcakes, if you want to check it out, this is the site:

so there you go......... and later I will tell you when the actual NATIONAL CAKE DAY is so tune in. Well bye for now! ;D

and remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle! :D (helping our world it GOOD! :D)

Sunday, November 15, 2009


(all the images are made out of cupackes, even the thanksgiving one)

Hello again bloggers and blog readers, today is the revolutionary day for cupcakes or should i say a whole day only devoting to cupcakes. Yes, I declare today CUPCAKE DAY!!! Which is why I have pictures of awesomely cool cupcake photos. They pretty spectacularific, aren't they? Well, I believe that we should all have a day dedicated to the magnificent cupcake because 1. everyone mixes it with normal average "cake" and 2. you can do so much more with cupcakes than with "cake." I have nothing against cake though because actually I have seen AMAZING cake creations on the internet and food network. I just think that cupcakes are just more AWESOMELY cool! (yes they are pretty awesome, aren't they?) Well I also wanted to tell you guys that if you are reading my blog, two other blogs you might, scratch that, MUST check out are:

Those two blogs are just as awesome as mine if not better, so you guys/girls should totally check them out! So yeah, that's it for today and remember HAPPY CUPCAKE DAY!!! :D

and remember to reduce, reuse, recycle! :D

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Pon and Zi

Hello people! aka my "readers"(if you are wondering why i put air quotes on readers, ...............I have no clue.....), how are you guys doing? BTW it was a rhetorical question, don't answer because....................... well actually I don't know why, but just don't. Well anyway, I haven't put up a new post for like a week or two so I decided to talk about something very close to my heart.................... PON AND ZI!!! :D If you are wondering who those to people, or shall i say "cartoons", if you look at the photo, Pon is the yellow one and Zi is the blue one. And yes I am very hardcore which is why i put up the one particular "drawing", so yeah. I wanted to talk about these characters because I, and probably a lot of other crazy asians (not trying to be racist), think these characters are 1. AWESOME!!! and 2. TOTALLY ADORABLE!!!! Yes they are two little emo characters, if you were wondering what type of characters they are. And no, I am NOT making fun of emos considering one of my friends is said to be a little emo and I am totally okay with that........or am I..........? Well anyway back to Pon and Zi, if you want to find out more about them or even look at AWESOME drawings/pictures of them, you can go to, (which is the creator of Pon and Zi's deviantart page, or even (which is the creator's official site for Pon and Zi) so yeah........ Well talk to you guys, and girls, later! :D

remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle :D

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween fellow bloggers or blogger readers! Isn't it awesome when Halloween comes and everyone goes out trick-or-treating? Well I sure think so, and I bet many of you do too. But has anybody wondered why many people don't trick but mostly get treats, I just don't get that. I have also wondered why they give out candy, why not money or gift cards of sorts? I guess the world may never know. It seems like today will be an interesting day because it is HALLOWEEN! But what people don't know that the name actually originated from the words Hallow's Eve, which frankly I don't care about and don't get it but maybe you do. So, get out there at like about 5:00 to like 7:00 and go out and trick-or-treat. Well like I said earlier, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle to help our mother earth! :D

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

DOMO in Campaign

Look my readers, it's DOMO at Target and on seven eleven cups. Isn't he so cute? Sorry, if you don't think DOMO is cute, my bad. Well anyway, and if you are wondering I am obsessed with DOMO! Anyways.........., if you haven't noticed DOMO is actually campaigning Target products, Seven Eleven, but what you guys didn't know is that if you go to Yogurtland, they actually DOMO bowls for what you put the yogurt in. It is amazing. I guess I'm not the only person in this awesome spectacular world of people and other things that definitely LOVES DOMO. Well recently my blogs are short, so this one is going to be short too sadly, so I say adieu to you.....

remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle to prevent green house gases, pollution, and global warming so we can keep our mother earth strong and healthy! :D


Hello people of planet Earth, today it is going to be a very short blog because all I want to tell my awesome fabulous creative readers is how cool my new giant speakers are. Aren't they just the BOMB? On the box it says that they are 500 time bigger but I doubt it. Well anyway, you can see for yourselves when they are compared to the little speaker right next to them, so yeah. I just want to say this one more time, but don't you think that.................................................... THOSE SPEAKERS ARE JUST SO AWESOME?!?!?!?!?! I can't tell you how much excitement is in me. Well told you it is a short blog because I'm already don't talking. So thank you for your time and I hoped you enjoy the show or blog........ :D

remember to reduce, reuse, recycle! :D (UR HELPING THE EARTH IF YOU DO!)

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Hello again, my readers! It is so good to talk to you again. If you are wondering why I make so many blogs on the weekend, it is cuz I've got no time on the weekdays. So I just decided to make a lot on the weekend. You see the pic up there, well obviously, unless you are blind. Saying that comment, I have nothing against blind people, they are just a little more unfortunate than regular people. Same goes with deaf, homeless, and orphanage people. Let's give them a moment of silence ...............................................................................................................................................
.................................................................................................................................................................. Okay I think we all know how sorry we feel for them. Back to the story about the picture. Well that picture is of candy, if u didn't already know, asian candy. I seriously love asian candy, it is the BOMB!!! Anyway I actually got that candy from where you wonder, STICKI PICKI!!! Last week or so, I went with my friends to Sticki Picki and I was really craving some delicious asian candy, so I bought some. And that's my story for today! Well bb for now..... :)

ps. remember to reduse, reuse, and recycle..... :D

Salt and Pepper Shakers

Aren't those things AWESOME?!?!?!?! Yeah I know I'm weird for posting this and it was even weird for me to pick to color this at Color Me Mine when I went with two of my friends. Well now u all know my name, even the stalkers do but remember this u know my name but their are thousands of girls named Tiffany out there so HA!!! Well the reason I wanted to post this awesome pic of my salt and pepper shakers was because first I love food and second these shakers symbolize that I LOVE FOOD!!! And yes I know I make lots of words in this entry capitalized and then I put a bunch of exclamation points after it........ Well yeah, I love them, I think they are awesome and they definitely turned out better than I hoped. I know this is kind of a crappy picture so u can't really see the glow to it right now, sorry I can't take really good pics and that I don't have a scanner. The apology for not having a scanner really should have been on my Knott's entry considering the pic was a pic of a pic so yeah. If u love my hamburger and fries salt and pepper shakers please tell me or even comment, only if u read it, and if u don't I'll feel my art and creativity in this world is horrid, but seriously I am like the worst artist known to mankind, sadly. Well I hoped u like my magnificent artwork, until next!

ps. remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle...... :D

Friday, October 16, 2009


Hi again blogger readers, i just wanted to talk to u about something extremely serious. BACON!!!! The other day I was on the web searching for stuff for a new blog idea and I came across it. Have u noticed there r a lot of bacon flavored things? Well I sure have, like the pictures above, those items are AWESOME!!! Aren't those cool? I can't believe they have bacon flavored floss, gumballs, and even bacon magnets. If u think this entry is weird, than u r definitely not one of my best friends cuz only my best friends, ok basically ever one that knows me knows I'm weird. So if u think this isn't typical for me, u r some creepy person that found this blog...... :( If u didn't know, I hate creepy weird people, creepy weird crazy stalkers, and of course the people I hate at my school. Yes, if u know me, which u should if u r reading this, I hate a certain amount of people at might school. But off that subject in my completely random blog, let's go back to talking about bacon. Now I love bacon, and if u hate bacon and don't like enjoying bacon (unless u r not allowed or allergic to eat bacon or just bacon ,don't read this sentence!), u r definitely not my BFF!!! Well that's it today, and always remember, BACON RULEZ!!!!

ps. reduse, reuse, and recycle..... :D


Hey peoplesssssssss and yes i just said it like monopoly so pe-o-pe-lessssss, if u were wondering. Well today if u don't read my blog it is ok, i just wanted to tell u wat zahnpasta meant. I bet many of u that aren't my best best best best best best friends and that i didn't tell u wat it meant, well now I'm telling u now so ha. MWUH HAHAHAHAHAHA! Just wanted to try out my awesome evil laugh hehehe.... anyway I was telling you wat it meant. Zahnpasta actually means toothpaste in GERMAN!!! OMG!!! :O I know it is very surprising that I know the teeniest bit of German. If u wanted to know wat pancake and banana is in German, u can ask me and I'll ask one of my bestest of the bestest of the bestest of my best friends. She's awesome and the reason I'm not telling u guys her name is because I want to keep her identity a secret. Plus I also want to let all u stalkers know that I'm not telling her name so then u can't track her down so HA!!! Well I only told u guys.....or that u know and won't have to ask me. So yeah that's it and I'm sorry I haven't posted anything in a week if u were interested in to my blog. If u aren't, then why the hell r u reading this?!?!?! HUH?!?!?! That's right u just got owned.....hehehe.....well that's it today so ttyl bb and I love u all for being my reader.

ps. remember to reduse, reuse, and recycle!!! :D

Friday, October 9, 2009


Hello again bloggers, it is me, the one and only, tiffzahnpasta. I'm sorry I can't tell you my real name because I don't want any stalkers tracking me down. But the chance that you even know this blogspot page, means that you are my friend. But today I've decided to blog about something that has happened recently. My friend, who I shall name, Sasha, had a birthday party at KNOTT'S SCARY FARM!!! It was awesome and no I did not talk about it to rub it into your faces but I should have should shouldn't I but that's beside the point. My point is that she wanted me to post the picture we took on the log ride, which you have seen above, so here you go, I look hideous and creepy but here is your one wish. Now since I already talked about it, might as well keep on going. So well we first entered and yes I screamed my head off at the first zombie like creature I saw. i can't help it but I am just a scardy cat. Well anyways, if you like scary stuff A LOT, then I would go into Quarantine, I guess. I mean I thought it was creepy but that was because I'm deathly scared of zombies and zombie like creatures. But it is sort of ironic considering I hate zombies but I kind of want to watch Zombieland. But I guess I want to watch that cuz it's funny! Next, at Knott's Scary Farm is is that, man we seriously has some fun there and MOSTLY all the people who play the creatures are nice some are just jackasses. I love some rides like the one that I think is called Montezooma's Revenge or something so yeah. Well that's it for this blog entry........ scream safely and btw don't act scared if you go, they only go after the scardy cats like me.

remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle.... :)

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Hello bloggers and not bloggers, I've got to say blogging (so far) is fun. I am going to pick a random subject to talk about today, or should I say night? I'm well aware that I just posted one about 3 hours ago, I was just too excited so I wanted to post another. So well here is the topic: FOOD!!! But if u just read that sentence, you probably knew that this blog was about food since the title is Food. Well I really wanted to talk about frozen yogurt. Yes I am going to be very racist against yogurt right about now. Honestly in my opinion, Pinkberry rocks and Yogurtland is only ok. But that's just my opinion. I can't that I real that way. Now if you are wondering why I think that, I'll tell you why. It is because I think that Pinkberry is just has just enough sweetness and Pinkberry has this total too much sweetness to it. But I have to admit, if you don't have too much cash in your wallet, yeah I guess Yogurtland is cheaper considering they charge it by the ounce. I also wanted to talk about Golden Spoon and Coldstone Creamery. I am well aware that they are two different places, I just wanted to say, those two places are AWESOME!!! The only problem is is that at Coldstone, they give you like humongous servings. So everytime I go there, when I get a small, no matter how much I want to continue enjoying the sweet sensation of Coldstone ice-cream, I just can't finish it. On to Golden Spoon, I love their frozen yogurt, but my question is why do they make the swirly thing so tall? I think it is because they want to give us enough for what pay for it but if you beg to differ, just write a comment below, well thanks for reading...... bb :)
btw remember to reduse, reuse, and recycle!!! :)

Hello Kitty

If you've read my last blog, then you know how much I love DOMO. But today I'm here to talk about an important issue. HELLO KITTY!!!!! If you ever really think about it, all the sanrio characters are too adorable to ignore. But right now I'm focusing on Hello Kitty because it seems no matter how much brand new stuff the Sanrio store has, it will always be mainly Hello Kitty, which isn't a problem of course. I just think the other Sanrio characters should get some appreciation too. Like the character, Cinnamoroll. Not many people even no that it is a dog because it seems to be since Hello Kitty is all everyone cares about, nobody cares about Cinnamoroll's gender or type of animal anymore. I'm not saying Hello Kitty isn't awesome because of course she is. I'm just saying maybe people should focus on other characters as much as well. Lovers of Hello Kitty don't be offended because I'm not trying to trash her, I mean I love her too so yeah...well those are my thoughts, please leave comments.... :)


Helllllooooooo again people I know it hasn't been a week yet but I've got to tell you something...... Have u guys (and girls) heard of an awesome character called DOMO. He is totally awesome! I think I've been obsessing over him for weeks now. Now my friend, Audrey, showed me the book, the book in the picture (yes this is dedicated to u audrey) and it is a manga that is all about DOMO!!! :) Yeah I guess it is kind of weird that I'm talking about a ficticious character isn't it? Well oh well. And btw if u guys think that any other ficticious character is better than DOMO and other characters like Hello Kitty ur sadly mistaken. DOMO, hid cute friends, and Sanrio characters own every other one so just deal with the failure. More talking about DOMO, everything about him is just too adorable especially his big mouth and giant white teeth. If u think about it, he kind of looks like and big furry, squarish bear. Well......yeah that's it for today. I might just post stuff when I feel like it so check frequently if u even care.... :)
Btw reduce, reuse, and recycle!!! :)

Start a New Day

Wow this is my first time blogging.... well this is kind of weird I cant believe what I'm saying could be viewed by random people....well it is a new day and blogging is just a way to tell people different and interesting stuff... so......anybody no wat to write on a blog if u do please just write a comment to give me some ideas cuz I need something to talk about each week. I wonder if this is weird....Oh well too late to care about it now. Blogging is sort of hard. But at least I'm onto a sort of great start.... well yeah bb for now since I can't think of anything to say.... :)