
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Why? | Why Not?

After watching this video (shown above) by the FungBros on YouTube, I realized just how much we should all look into the issues of social climate. As an advocate for trying to make the world a better place, especially when it comes to the environment, it spoke to me.

The video redirects to the page:

It shows a bunch of videos of students aged from 13 to 21 who ask Why? | Why Not? questions about the situation of climate change around the globe. Although the competition to be sent to the UN conference in New York is finished, you can still submit a video to be part of a collaboration video on the situation!

For example, my Why? | Why Not? question starts with why does social media place negligent emphasis on how climate change/global warming is becoming a bigger issue? It seems as if we, as people on this beautiful planet, seem to blame global warming. It is one of the oldest jokes in the book when we think of some important issue but just blame it on global warming. But technically, aren't we blaming ourselves then since we are the reason why it even occurs? In California, we are in a major drought and despite the fact there are laws in place so that we conserve water (ex. we get fined if we are using water, whether it is to water the lawn or washing our cars, and it gets into the street). The fact is is that nobody takes it seriously and our towns seem to act as if they are above it all. In my city, you can constantly see the overuse of water when the city waters the lawn right in front of City Hall. I know we have to keep appearances but why don't we still conserve water while we are at it?
Why not show the children of tomorrow that climate is a big deal while still making it a fun topic for them? The leaders of tomorrow is the next generation so why not show the big issues that will impact everyone? There isn't enough support in the youth of today to make a big impact. The older generations can do as much as they can now but if there is no support system for tomorrow, how can we expect to overturn the problem and continue our current day progress?

If you are also interested in the whole initiative overall and/or do not fall into the age range, there is a website called: The Climate Reality Project. It shows ways to help promote the initiative, donate, and more!
Just some food for thought, especially if you are wondering why it is so hot recently.


PS. Reduce, reuse, and recycle!

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