
Sunday, April 4, 2010


Forever. Has anyone ever thought about that word, especially in depth? I have. Let me tell you this. Forever is the word that just stands for forever. As in, when you die, are you guaranteed to never live again once you pass through the death? No, you aren't. Once you die, you can never feel that death in that way again, your soul lives on forever more, without stopping for a quick breath, without stopping just to stop, without a single time of nothingness. We all face death at least once in our lives. That is what is guaranteed. But is it guaranteed that we will be reborn, and face death, but a second time once more? No, only God can be the one to determine these things. God is the only ones that knows our journey before us. He or She is the one that takes us on that path. But why do our souls last forever and our bodies not? Why do we even last forever? Why is it that when looking into forever, we get frightened of the things that might happen to us on the way? Why does forever seem so far, when we are only the beginning of each start? Why is it that forever starts with a new chapter each time someone is reborn, or their soul has been recycled, or when a new soul is made? Everything has to do with forever. But why is it that we are only the beginning of it? Forever, the word, the life, the state of being, is not to be defined as a term, but as answered as the answer of the question of time. Time. It portrays to forever quite well. When there is no time, there cannot be a "forever." Forever is based on the time status of living things, but no matter what, people die but they still live for an eternity. Why is it that we can't just feel the statehood of death and utter silence with nothing in us, with nothing happening, once we are dead? Why is it, once our bodies have left this area, our soul remains in the chaos of man? The answers will remain a mystery as no one can define God or no what God is thinking, ever. But, why is it that forever was created when chaos still roams the lands? With chaos here and its destruction on this earth rising, what is the point to have new souls and others reborn? Forever is forever. It is long, never ending, and everlasting. It will never be defined in human terms. It can only be defined as time on a long journey and never ending. Time is never ending, everlasting, and will never turn back. Forever is long, never ending, everlasting, and never turns back time but keeps going on its journey.

This is my first, serious post. sorry if it bores you. this topic has been my mind a lot.

PS. remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle.

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