
Friday, March 26, 2010

WORD OF THE WEEK!!!!!! (rummage)

Hey guys!! I apologize for not making a word of the week last week. To tell you the truth, I forgot. TEHEHEHEHEHE! Anyway, this week's word-of-the-week is rummage. I'm sorry but there really isn't a back story for this so im just going to tell you why I chose it. Well that is kind of a back story but what ever. Ok so, I was reading HARRY POTTER!!, sorry I LOVE Harry Potter, and I came across the word 'rummage' and I decided that is was an AWESOME word. When someone decides it is an AWESOME word, it MUST be their word-of-the-week. Well that is pretty much the "sorta back story". Well here is the definition!

–verb (used with object) search thoroughly or actively through (a place, receptacle, etc.), esp. by moving around, turning over, or looking through contents. find, bring, or fetch by searching (often fol. by out or up).
–verb (used without object) search actively, as in a place or receptacle or within oneself: She rummaged in her mind for the forgotten name.
4.miscellaneous articles; odds and ends.
5.a rummaging search.

Yup those are the definitions, sorta. Thanks to!!! WHOO!!! Go!!! They Rock!!! Well that is it for the word-of-the-week! Sorry it wasn't an interesting back story and sorry for such a short post but BYE!!!

PS. remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle!!! :D

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